
Eddie Vedder zaśpiewa piosenkę do „Twin Peaksa”. Posłuchajcie.

Karolina Chymkowska

3 września 2016


Od jakiegoś czasu wiemy już, że Eddie Vedder pojawi się w obsadzie nowego Twin Peaksa, teraz mamy jednak również potwierdzenie, że będzie miał swój udział w soundtracku.

Piosenka nosi tytuł Out Of Sand i zarówno klimat, jak i tekst ma zdecydowanie Lynchowski:

Can’t climb to heaven on the cross
One lie is promised drained the blood from my heart
Came a message in the dark
Offered the hand of a disembodied man
While I still had the chance

But now it’s gone, gone.
And I am who I am
Who I was. I will never be again
Running out of sand

I stare at my reflection to the bone
Blurred eyes look back at me. Full of blame and sympathy
So, so close
Right roads not taken. Futures forsaken
Dropped liked a fossil or stone

But now it’s gone, gone.
And I am who I am
Who I was. I will never come again
Running out of sand

A drunk octopus wants to fight
Fearful of dreams, there’ll be no sleep tonight
Fine at dinner, dead by dessert
Victims of witness, we’re gonna get hurt
A fragile existence with echoes of worth
I can’t stop the bleeding nor the tears from thine eyes
There’s another us somewhere with much better lives
With God as our witness but he won’t testify.

Now it’s gone… gone
And I am, who I am
Who I was. I’ll never have the chance

Running out of sand